
What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God. Micah 6:8

The Presbyterian Church in Canada
Region of Waterloo and County of Wellington

XXContact the Presbytery
Policies of the Presbytery

Clergy Remuneration Policy
of the Presbytery of WW

Over the last 10 months, the Presbytery of Waterloo-Wellington has examined the remuneration package paid to clergy and other professional church workers who are called or appointed by the presbytery. The remuneration package is made up of three parts: stipend, housing/manse, and benefits (Health and Dental, Pension, etc.)  

Click here to download the entire 5-page document (dated September 2022)


Presbytery Funds Terms of Reference

Click here to download the entire 13-page document


Safety Policies

Link to correspondence about the Safety Policies webpage that houses the policies and teaching/learning tools to support

  • Leading with Care
  • Policy and Procedures for Addressing Harassment in the Church
  • Policy for Dealing with Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment

The information in the letter will be helpful for congregations and ministries within presbyteries, staff and ministries under the oversight of synods and for students and staff of the theological colleges.

Visit the Safety Policies webpage at: