
What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God. Micah 6:8

The Presbyterian Church in Canada
Region of Waterloo and County of Wellington

XXContact the Presbytery
Clerk of Presbytery
Rev. W. Scott McAndless
Contact the Clerk:

o   The Business Committee is responsible for developing the docket/agenda for each meeting of Presbytery. To that end, it co-ordinates committees’ reports to reduce overlap and potential conflict.
o   The Business Committee ensures coordination between the standing teams  and with the business committee to ensure that Committees with intersecting interests have communicated with each other.
o   The Business Committee distributes all correspondence received by the Presbytery and manages all correspondence from other courts and affiliates of the Presbyterian Church in Canada including Assembly Council, Life and Mission Agency, and Financial Services. 
o   The Business Committee assists the Moderator of Presbytery as a Committee to Advise regarding Ecumenical presence, the writing of pastoral letters and the like.


Presbytery Minutes

pdf March 12, 2024 (37 pages)

pdf January 9, 2024 (19 pages)

pdf November 14, 2023 (31 pages)

pdf October 10, 2023 Emergent Meeting (7 pages)

pdf September 12, 2023 (26 pages)

pdf June 20, 2023 (26 pages)

pdf May 30, 2023 Emergent Meeting (2 pages)

pdf May 23, 2023 Emergent Meeting (6 pages)

pdf May 9 2023 (14 pages)

pdf December 6, 2022 Emergent Meeting (10 pages)

pdf November 8, 2022 (10 pages)

pdf September 13, 2022 Regular Meeting (20 pages)

pdf June 21, 2022 Regular Meeting (15 pages)

pdf May 30, 2022 Emergent Meeting (2 pages)

pdf May 10, 2022 Regular Meeting (35 pages)

pdf March 8, 2022 Regular Meeting (42 pages)

pdf March 6, 2022 Induction of the Rev. Reuben St. Louis (1 page)

pdf January 11, 2022 Regular Meeting (57 pages)

pdf November 9, 2021 Regular Meeting (44 pages)

pdf October 3, 2021 Emergent Meeting (1 page)
|||| - Service of Amalgamation
|||| - WESTMINSTER-ST. PAUL’S, St. Andrew’s and Knox Guelph

pdf September 26, 2021 Emergent Meeting (1 page)
|||| - INDUCTION – Rev. Marty Molengraaf,
|||||||St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Kitchener

pdf September 14, 2021 Regular Meeting (21 pages)

pdf September 12, 2021 Emergent Meeting (1 page)
|||| - Service of Dissolution
|||| - Knox’s Galt Presbyterian Church, Cambridge

pdf August 15, 2021 Emergent Meeting (3 pages)
|||| - Report of the Business Committee regarding the estate
|||| ||of Mary Jean Watson

pdf July 6, 2021 Emergent Meeting (12 pages)
|||| - Approve the for-sale listing of Westminster-St. Paul’s

pdf June 27, 2021 Emergent Meeting (1 page)
|||| - Service of Dissolution
||| |- Livingston Presbyterian Church, Baden

pdf June 15, 2021 Regular Meeting (23 pages)

pdf May 27, 2021 Emergent meeting (5 pages)
||| |- Receive and consider an appointment to the Rev. Jane Swatridge

pdf May 18, 2021 Emergent Meeting (5 pages)
|||| - Receive and consider a Call to the Rev. Marty Molengraaf

pdf May 11, 2021 Regular Meeting (29 pages)

pdf March 9, 2021 Regular Meeting (26 pages)

pdf January 12, 2021 Regular Meeting (23 pages)

pdf November 10, 2020 (29 pages)

pdf October 25, 2020 (1 page)

pdf September 8, 2020 (15 pages)

pdf September 4, 2020 (7 pages)

pdf June 9, 2020 (9 pages)

pdf April 28, 2020 (2 pages)

pdf March 10, 2020 (22 pages)

pdf February 2, 2020
|||| - Ordination and Induction of Rev. Diane Boyd (1 page)

pdf January 14, 2020 v2 (28 pages)

pdf December 15, 2019 (12 pages)

pdf November 24, 2019 (4 pages)

pdf October 20, 2019 (1 page)

pdf October 6, 2019 (1 page)

pdf September 10, 2019 (21 pages)

pdf August 20, 2019 (9 pages)

pdf June 18, 2019 (22 pages)

pdf May 14, 2019 (22 pages)

pdf March 12, 2019 (34 pages)

pdf January 8, 2019 (38 pages)

pdf November 26, 2018 (2 pages)

pdf November 13, 2018 (25 pages)

pdf September 11, 2018 (36 pages)

If you require a copy of Minutes prior to September 2018,
please contact